Gyorsétterem - gyorsétterem HTML5 webhelysablon

6 months of support Egy termék megvásárlása 6 hónap támogatásra jogosítja a szerzőtől. Ha többet tudna meg a részletekről, kérjük, olvassa el a támogatás politikát.

shoppingBag Értékesítések: 258


Created: 2017. jan. 25.

Updated: 2023. jan. 31.

ID: 61177

og体育首页ONE - Korlátlan Letöltések $12.40/hó

500k elem | Kereskedelmi használat License permits using this item to create unlimited digital end products for sale during the active period of your subscription. | Támogatás Iratkozzon fel a termék Letöltéséhez  INGYEN
Gyorsétterem - gyorsétterem HTML5 webhelysablon - Features Image 1Gyorsétterem - gyorsétterem HTML5 webhelysablon - Features Image 2Gyorsétterem - gyorsétterem HTML5 webhelysablon - Features Image 3Gyorsétterem - gyorsétterem HTML5 webhelysablon - Features Image 4Gyorsétterem - gyorsétterem HTML5 webhelysablon - Features Image 5Gyorsétterem - gyorsétterem HTML5 webhelysablon - Features Image 6Gyorsétterem - gyorsétterem HTML5 webhelysablon - Features Image 7Gyorsétterem - gyorsétterem HTML5 webhelysablon - Features Image 8Gyorsétterem - gyorsétterem HTML5 webhelysablon - Features Image 9Gyorsétterem - gyorsétterem HTML5 webhelysablon - Features Image 10Gyorsétterem - gyorsétterem HTML5 webhelysablon - Features Image 11Gyorsétterem - gyorsétterem HTML5 webhelysablon - Features Image 12Gyorsétterem - gyorsétterem HTML5 webhelysablon - Features Image 13Gyorsétterem - gyorsétterem HTML5 webhelysablon - Features Image 14Gyorsétterem - gyorsétterem HTML5 webhelysablon - Features Image 15

Változási napló

Quick Food Version 1.3 (Septeber 30, 2021):

  • UPD: Bootstrap v4.1.3 to v5.0.1;
  • UPD: jQuery v3.2.1 to v3.6.0;
  • UPD: jQuery Migrate v3.0.0 to v3.3.2;
  • UPD: Popper.js v1.14.3 to v2.9.2;
  • UPD: Swiper to 5.3.1;
  • UPD: Owl Carousel to 2.3.4;
  • UPD: Bootstrap tabs updated;
  • UPD: Bootstrap tooltip updated;
  • FIX: Script js;
  • FIX: CSS styles;
  • FIX: Minor bug fixes.

Quick Food Version 1.2.2 (November 24, 2020):

  • UPD: SCSS optimization;
  • UPD: Scripts updated;
  • FIX: Project structure;
  • FIX: Minor bug fixes.

Quick Food Version 1.2.1 (December 02, 2019) Additions - FIX: Minor bug fixes.

Quick Food Version 1.2 (March 26, 2019) Additions - ADD: MailChimp, Campaign Monitor forms; - UPD: Bootstrap 3 to Bootstrap v4.1.3; - UPD: RD Parallax to Material Parallax plugin; - UPD: RD Google Map to Google Map plugin; - UPD: PhotoSwipe to LightGallery plugin; - UPD: Pug/scss structure optimization; - UPD: Bootstrap tooltip; - UPD: Isotope plugin; - UPD: Page loader plugin; - UPD: Wow plugin; - UPD: Images optimization; - UPD: Psd files optimization; - FIX: Other minor bug fixes.

Quick Food Version 1.1 (April 27, 2018) Additions - ADD: Special Pages Added; - UPD: Google Map updated; - UPD: RD Parallax changed to Material parallax; - UPD: .jade sources changed to .pug; - FIX: Social plugins; - FIX: Other minor bug fixes.

21 Reviews for this product

This was the base for a website I started 4 years ago... I have updated it.. and its been great! Not sure if anyone will even read this, but who ever you are developer somewhere on the planet - Good job.
Thank you for the kind words! We're thrilled to hear the template has been a great foundation for your website over the years. Your appreciation means a lot to us!
This html template is pretty simple to use and has many options already created to choose from. Understanding the basics of this template is really easy. After some accomodating time, you will be able to create nice landing pages using the premade sections of divs. I bought this template to use it for a restaurant and had a really nice and clean website. Also, the template came with all the images inside of it. This was really helpful to create all of the other pages. The purchase was a really good choice and i don't regret it. I really needed a sidebar menu and this template was perfect. Also, it has bootstrap 5.0 and this is really helpful because it will be up-to-date for sometime. Overall a nice product.
This is an excellent template for my customer's project. Very impressed with the layout, ease of use, animation, and overall simplicity. The customer was thrilled that we were able to provide an excellent site with all relevant information and still be user-friendly. Thanks, Template og体育首页.
Nice template. waiting for the more gorgeous theme then previous one
excelente arquisição, muita qualidade e criatividade. Facilidade na documentação e muito organizado.

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